Ray da Costa Apps

Genio Wishes Ares
Ray da Costa
In the book The Secret is mentionedtheframework of the desires, the touchstone and Aladin.Based on this idea I created this application.To summarize, I want to turn your phone on the "touchstone" inthecontext ofdesires "and even the genius of Wishes.It is a simple application, but it you can create your desiresandbe able to equatevisualize, remember, think, think, think about your wishes. Whenyoupick up your phonethink about your wishes, thanks forever, because we can createtheeffect of touchstone.There is no miracle, what he does is just help, you just havetofollow therules of the Law of Attraction, as Thoughts become things andforthatIt depends on you, NEVER FAIL, it works foreveryone.RememberingDO NOT think of that does not want, JUST AS YOU WANT! HOPESANDBELIEVE.The application is in English and Portuguese to Spanish soon.To get better this technique, also use the metaphor ofGenius,so you make the request to the universe and it will be organizedtoserve you,now your phone is its lamp.Make good use!
ScannerPag RayDaCosta
Ray da Costa
O ScannerPag é um aplicativocriadopara você pagar suas contas via internet sem erros naleituradocód. de Barras. O ScannerPag lê o código de barras dos boletosetransferem para o campo de códigos de barras no browser(nosite).É uma aplicação simples, que utiliza 02 módulos, umaaplicativoinstalado no seu celular Android (que vai ler ocódigo debarras) e outro aplicativo "ABERTO" no seu desktop. (que vaireceber o número lido pelo Android e transferir para o campodosite).IMPORTANTE: Necessário ter instalado o leitor de códigodebarras: BarCode Scannerhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android&hl=pt-BRAplicação de campo virtual: http://raydacosta.com/scannerpag/Este aplicativo faz o sincronismo do seu desktop com seuaparelhocelular.The ScannerPag isanapplication created for you to pay your bills via internet withnoerrors in reading thecod. Bar. The ScannerPag reads the barcode of slips and transfertothe field of barcodes in the browser (the site).It is a simple application that uses 02 modules, one appinstalledon your Android phone (which will read the barcode) andanotherapplication "OPEN" on your desktop. (You will receive thenumberread by Android and transfer to the camp site).IMPORTANT: Necessary to have installed the readerbarcode:BarCode Scannerhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android&hl=pt-BRApplication of virtual field: http://raydacosta.com/scannerpag/This application does the synchronization of your desktop withyourmobile device.
Cool Gerenciamento Financeiro Sucess
Ray da Costa
With Cool a simple cool manager of revenueandexpenses you manage your personal finances.This version is already possible to digitally store thegenerateddocuments to any record, so there will be morenecessary to store papeis.Totalmente Portuguese (Brazil).Cool Viewer, created to view the postings made ​​on thedesktopand also have a broader view.http://www.raydacosta.com/cool/
Meu Desmonte Bovino Sucess
Ray da Costa
Use this embedded software for thecalculationof carcass beef. You inform the animal's weight orweight ofanimals at the exit of the establishment, and the RuralPoint willprovide the report the carcass yield and derivatives. Tryit!
RFID inventory Anubs
Ray da Costa
Android FrontEnd for reading TAG RFID usingUHFData Collector 900 BT.Based on UHF 900 MHz, UHF 900 BT Reader can perform severalreadingsat different points in direct obstacles, compared to onlyonelong-range scanner can provide. The BT UHF reader 900 maybeconnected to any hub to assist in transmission of some / alldata,excluding any possibility of responsibility.This collector can be foundat:http://www.acura.com.br/900bt.html